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Healthy CEOs Founder | Mindfulness Coach

Tell us a little bit about yourself and your background.

My name is Shaun Tucker. I am the Founder and CEO of Healthy CEOs, a company dedicated to unleashing an individuals ultimate wellbeing, so they can be the best leader they can be.

I come from a small country town located in Victoria and from a large family of 8, with 4 brothers and a sister. Being a middle child, I had difficulty finding self-expression, and always followed in my older brother’s footsteps. That all changed when I found myself in a real mess overseas on a binge-drinking bender.

This experience completely changed the course of my life, in a very positive way. For the first time in my life, I started walking an uncharted path that was my own. Since then, I have continued on this path of self-discovery and personal development and have helped hundreds of people from all walks of life in many ways. 

What’s your passion for the cause? Why did you become an ambassador for World Resiliency Day?

I am passionate about World Resiliency day because it was challenging to look at myself in the mirror and ask, am I using these things to walk/run away from something that I’m afraid of? Or is it something else? I realized that I was getting away from the uncomfortable, and since that profound realization, I’ve had no desire to take alcohol or other substances, and it has been a real game changer for my growth and development as a human being. 

What are your contributions?

    As part of being a brand ambassador, I have contributed an article on “Preserving Resilience: Tackling Substance Misuse and Empowering Communities” and will continue to write articles, and create written and video content as part of my role and contributions to the cause.


      Shaun Tucker is the Founder of Healthy CEOs, a revolutionary health movement helping busy people improve their performance through the 5 foundations: Energy, Mindset, Lifestyle, Nutrition & Movement.

      Phone: 0411 350 013
      Address: Melbourne, Australia

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