Our Mission
Mission Statement
“Our endeavour is to assist Australian Governments, Communities, Schools, Sporting Clubs, Churches and Service Clubs to rediscover the proactive and protective options of best practice prevention models in the alcohol and other drug arena. In so doing to present society and the emerging generation in particular, with positive and viable prevention and demand reduction options around alcohol and substance use and abuse.”
In fulfilling this mission we envision the following…
“To shift the community and particularly adolescent, young adult and family attitudes about alcohol and other drugs away from the cultural expectation of participation, to consider the best health practice of ‘not having to’. Through our Education, Advocacy and Resource process we seek to relevantly engage, educate and recalibrate culture values and develop community and individual resiliency through ‘Fence building’ (as different to ambulance driving’) processes including demand reduction focused curriculum delivery, training, strategic partnerships and sponsorship of other proactive primary prevention-based community strategies.”
The Niche
We are first and foremost – ‘Fence Builders’ not ‘Ambulance Drivers’.
We seek to deliver intervention, protective and preventative processes based on well thought through anthropologically sound evidence-based practice. Good and workable prescriptions matter, giving children and their families not only direction and clarity, but also sound foundational life motivators such as hope, purpose and meaning, that are also key in allowing the Affective Domain education to ‘stick’.
Shane Varcoe
Executive Director
Dalgarno Institute is unique in…
- Pioneering Community initiated Alcohol and Drug Advocates and Educators.
- We utilize multidiscipline and innovative advocacy and education programs, approaches and pedagogies.
- Solid research backing with qualified and highly experienced staff and supporters including Cognitive Based Therapists, Medical Practitioners and Educators.
- Empowerment model based on ‘together’ not simply promoting individuality – promoting positive peer engagement and intervention.
- Assisting young people and communities to look beyond the ‘pop-culture’ and often intimidating peer solidarity, to little considered but imperative psycho-social health benefits and elements– including values formation and worldview calibration.
- We focus beyond symptoms and ‘Band-aid’ approaches and endeavour to skill young people and communities to investigate causal and big picture reasons behind the ‘noisy’ and very ‘messy’ symptoms.

Join us in the war against drug and help build resiliency for gen now.
The Dalgarno Institute is one of the longest standing Not-for-Profit community-based, public interest, health education charities in Australia. Demand Reduction, Primary Prevention & Recovery Alumni are our Focus.
As an Alcohol & Other Drug (AOD) Education – Advocacy and Resourcing Coalition, we are consistently working to make our communities and their families, safer, healthier, stronger, and subsequentially more resilient.
Prevention For Life
Isabella’s list birthed out of the pioneering protective spirit of the movement that Isabella Dalgarno committed herself to.
Should you be driving?
Be safe for you, your family and the person you may injure because, you thought you were ‘ok to drive!’
The fence or the ambulance
We are committed to providing education and referral to those caught in the maelstrom of substance misuse and abuse.
Prevention & Demand Reduction
An anthropological approach to the cultural ‘symptom’ of substance use.